We believe everyone should have access to Fresh, Local, and Organic foods.
FLOWER is a program to ensure everyone in our community has access to healthy, nutritious foods. Kitsap Community Food Co-op Member-Owners in our FLOWER program receive 10% off regularly priced items all of the time.
Who can sign up for FLOWER?
Member-Owners that receive financial assistance from WIC, EBT, SNAP, TANF, SSI or SSDI are eligible to apply for FLOWER to receive a 10% discount on regularly priced items. Participants must reapply annually with qualifying documents.
What can I buy with FLOWER?
All regularly priced items in store are available for the 10% FLOWER discount. FLOWER cannot be combined with other discounts.
How do I apply for FLOWER?
Member-Owners may pick up an application in store or download the application HERE. Please complete the application and attach copies of the required qualifying documents, then submit it to our Member Coordinator.
Please reach out to Member Coordinator at members@kitsapfood.coop or call the store for more details (360) 813-1301

What is FLOWER?: FLOWER is our food equity program that offers a 10% discount to Member-Owners that are on financial assistance. FLOWER stands for Fresh, Local, Organic Within Everyone’s Reach. It is our commitment to making healthy food accessible to all income levels.
Who can participate in FLOWER?: Members-Owners that receive financial assistance from WIC, EBT, SNAP, TANF, SSI or SSDI are eligible to apply for FLOWER to receive a 10% discount on regularly priced items all of the time. Participants must reapply annually.
What is Round Up for FLOWER?: Round up to the nearest dollar when you check out to support our food equity program FLOWER. Those contributions help us fund the discount given to FLOWER participants, bringing the community into the fight for accessible healthy foods for everyone.
Do I have to be a Member-Owner to apply for FLOWER?: Yes, this program is only available for Member-Owners. Our goal is to welcome the community into KCFC membership through affordable $20 or $10 monthly installments towards our $200 equity investment. FLOWER participants are eligible for a $2/month payment plan option. Ask staff for more details about this reduced rate.
Do I qualify if I’m on other types of income assistance?: The supplemental income programs that qualify for FLOWER currently are listed on the back of the application. At this time we are only accepting WIC, SNAP, EBT, TANF, SSI, and SSDI but we hope to expand this program further as funds allow and interest grows.
What inspired this program? We continue to be inspired by other co-ops doing great work around food access. This program is modeled after Orcas Food Co-op and Greenstar Co-op in Ithaca, NY. We are grateful for Cooperative Principle #6 - 'Cooperation Amongst Cooperatives' as they have been willing to share insight in launching this program in Kitsap.